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We Attended Pasha Lab Design Project Kick-off Meeting!

The kick-off meeting of the Pasha Lab Design project, financed by the Istanbul Development Agency and coordinated by Bayrampaşa Municipality, was held on Tuesday, The meeting hosted by Bayrampaşa Municipality.

In the meeting with the participation of an ISTKA expert, how the activities within the scope of the project will be implemented, the way to reach the target audience, and the distribution of tasks between partners and participants were discussed.

Within the scope of the project, which will last for 18 months in total, establishing a design center for different disciplines operating in the field of creative industries is planned. While the design center to be established will provide a working space for designers from different fields, the center will facilitate knowledge transfer and will also be an area where the designers can interact interdisciplinary. Corbiz is a participant in the project, which will be carried out in partnership with Istanbul Commerce University and Turkish Exporters Assembly.


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