May 6, 2021WE WERE IN BELGRADE FOR A TRANSNATIONALEDUCATION ACTIVITY BETWEEN 22-30 APRIL!We have participated in the transnational training of Global Citizenship for Human Rights project between 22-30 April in Vrnjacka Banja,...
Apr 15, 2021WE WERE IN DIYARBAKIR AND MARDIN BETWEEN 1-4 APRILWe visited Diyarbakir and Mardin provinces on April 1-4 as part of the Culturally Diversity Humanly United project. After covid-19, a...
Apr 2, 2021STEAM PEOPLE PROJECTWe completed our Steam People Project WebApp Evaluation Meeting, which was implemented by the European Union and Foreign Relations Office...
Feb 25, 2021CULTURALLY DIVERSE, HUMANLY UNITED PROJECT FOCUS GROUP MEETINGThe focus group meeting of our Culturally Diverse, Humanly United project was completed. Many topics such as diversity in business life,...
Feb 9, 2021WE HAVE COMPLETED OUR DISSEMINATION EVENT!We completed the Dissemination event of the Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning project on February 9th. It took place in 2...
Nov 16, 2020Kick-off Meeting of Culturally Diverse Humanly United Project HeldThe kick-off meeting of the Culturally Diverse Humanly United Project was held online on November 16, 2020, as part of the Covid-19...